
Where teamwork and speed come together to sled through a winding ice course at speeds of up to 150 km/h. The balance between adrenaline, calmness, and unity with the team is the key to success.

up to 150 km/h

2 top 6 finishes 22/23

13 team memebers

In the world of bobsledding, it's all about you, your team, and that breathtaking track. Imagine a lightning-fast descent of about a minute on a twisting ice course. Every curve is an opportunity to gain more speed as you seek the perfect balance between relaxation and adrenaline. This is the sensation you experience on every descent.

In two-man bobsleigh races, a pilot and a brakeman form an unbeatable duo, while four-man bobsleigh teams add two pushers for ultimate power. It's an unparalleled team sport where harmony and cooperation make the difference. Behind every curve lies more risk, but also a greater chance of success.

Do you think you have the physical and mental strength to race at high speeds through the most challenging tracks? Take the test and discover if you have the potential to participate in the next Olympic success.


some of the bobsleigh team members

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